God's positive answer for every situations:
a)What YOU SAY
You say: 'It's impossible'
God says: All things are possible
(Luke 18:27)
You say: 'I'm too tired'
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)
You say: 'Nobody really loves me'
God says: I love you
(John 3:1 6 & John3:34 )
You say: 'I can't go on'
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say: 'I can't figure things out'
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5- 6)
You say: 'I can't do it'
God says: You can do all things
(Philippians 4:13)
You say: 'I'm not able'
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: 'It's not worth it'
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )
You say: 'I can't forgive myself'
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: 'I can't manage'
God says: I will supply all your needs
(Philippians 4:19)
You say: 'I'm afraid'
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
(II Timothy 1:7)
You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)
You say: 'I'm not smart enough'
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)
You say: 'I feel all alone'
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)
God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
Keep people in your circle that are doing more than you so you will never become complacent and you will always strive for more
'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle'
Saturday, November 17, 2007
God's Promises & His Word...
Posted by
11/17/2007 02:23:00 AM
My Wonderful Attorney,Jesus...pls read!its beautiful!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Truly beautiful!
My Attorney (this is beautiful)
After living what I felt was a "decent" life, my time on earth came to the end. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what I thought to be a courthouse. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the defense table. As I looked around I saw the "prosecutor."
He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen. I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me, I felt I knew Him.
The corner door flew open and there appeared the Judge in full flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as He moved across the room. I couldn't take my eyes off of Him. As He took His seat behind the bench, He said, "Let us begin."
The prosecutor rose and said, "My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this man belongs in hell." He proceeded to tell of lies I told, things I stole, and in the past when I cheated others. Satan told of other horrible perversions once in my life and the more he spoke, the further down in my seat I sank. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't look at anyone, even my own Attorney, as the Devil told of sins even I completely forgotten about. As upset as I was at Satan for telling all these things about me, I was equally upset at My Attorney who sat there silently not offering any form of defense at all. I know I was guilty of those things, but I did some good in my life - couldn't that at least equal out part of the harm I'd done? Satan finished with a fury and said, "This man belongs in hell, he is guilty of all I have charged and there is not a person who can prove otherwise."
When it was His turn, My Attorney first asked if He might approach the bench. The Judge allowed this over the strong objection of Satan, and beckoned Him to come forward. As He got up and started walking, I was able to see Him in His full splendor and majesty. I realized why He seemed so familiar; this was Jesus representing me, my Lord and my Savior. He stopped at the bench and softly said to the Judge, "Hi, Dad," then He turned to address the court. "Satan was correct in saying this man sinned, I won't deny any of these allegations. And, yes, the wage of sin is death, and this man deserves to be punished."
Jesus took a deep breath and turned to His Father with outstretched arms and proclaimed, "However, I died on the cross so this person might have eternal life and he accepted Me as his Savior, so he is Mine." My Lord continued with, "His name is written in the Book of Life and no one can snatch him from Me Satan still does not understand yet. This man is not to be given justice, but rather mercy."
As Jesus sat down, He quietly paused, looked at His Father and said,"There is nothing else that needs to be done. I've done it all." The Judge lifted His mighty hand and slammed the gavel down. The following words bellowed from His lips... "This man is free The penalty for him was already paid in full. Case dismissed" As my Lord led me away, I could hear Satan ranting and raving, "I won't give up, I will win the next one." I asked Jesus as He gave me my instructions where to go next, "Have you ever lost a case?" Christ lovingly smiled and said, "Everyone that comes to Me and asked Me to represent them, received the same verdict as you, "PAID IN FULL."
Posted by
11/17/2007 02:12:00 AM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Mother's Love....so touching....
1. The story began when I was a child;
I was born as a son of a poor family.
Even for eating, we often got lack of food.
Whenever the time for eating, mother often gave me her portion of rice.
While she was removing her rice into my bowl,
she would say "Eat this rice, son. I'm not hungry".
That was Mother's First Lie
2.When I was getting to grow up,
the persevering mother gave her spare time for fishing in a river near our house,
she hoped that from the fishes she got,
she could gave me a little bit nutritious food for my growth.
After fishing, she would cook the fishes to be a fresh fish soup,
which raised my appetite. While I was eating the soup,
mother would sit beside me and eat the rest meat of fish,
which was still on the bone of the fish I ate.
My heart was touched when I saw it.
I then used my chopstick and gave the other fish to her.
But she immediately refused it and said "Eat this fish, son.
I don't really like fish."
That was Mother's Second Lie.
3.Then, when I was in Junior High School,
to fund my study,
mother went to an economic enterprise to bring some used-matches boxes that would be stuck in.
It gave her some money for covering our needs.
As the winter came,
I woke up from my sleep and looked at my mother who was still awoke,
supported by a little candlelight and within her perseverance she continued
the work of sticking some used-matches box.
I said, "Mother, go to sleep, it's late,
tomorrow morning you still have to go for work.
" Mother smiled and said "Go to sleep,
dear. I'm not tired."
That was Mother's Third Lie.
4.At the time of final term,
mother asked for a leave from her work in order to accompany me.
While the daytime was coming and the heat of the sun was starting to shine,
the strong and persevering mother
waited for me under the heat of the sun's shine for several hours.
As the bell rang, which indicated that the final exam had finished,
mother immediately welcomed me and poured me a glass of tea
that she had prepared before in a cold bottle.
The very thick tea was not as thick as my mother's love,
which was much thicker. Seeing my mother covering with perspiration,
I at once gave her my glass and asked her to drink too.
Mother said "Drink, son. I'm not thirsty!".
That was Mother's Fourth Lie.
5.After the death of my father because of illness,
my poor mother had to play her role as a single parent.
By held on her former job, she had to fund our needs alone.
Our family's life was more complicated. No days without sufferance.
Seeing our family's condition that was getting worse,
there was a nice uncle who lived near my house came to help us,
either in a big problem and a small problem.
Our other neighbors who lived next to us saw that our family's life was so unfortunate,
they often advised my mother to marry again. But mother,
who was stubborn, didn't care to their advice,
she said "I don't need love."
That was Mother's Fifth Lie.
6.After I had finished my study and then got a job,
it was the time for my old mother to retire.
But she didn't want to; she was sincere to go to the marketplace every morning,
just to sell some vegetable for fulfilling her needs.
I, who worked in the other city, often sent her some money to help her in fulfilling her needs,
but she was stubborn for not accepting the money.
She even sent the money back to me.
She said "I have enough money."
That was Mother's Sixth Lie.
7. After graduated from Bachelor Degree,
I then continued my study to Master Degree.
I took the degree, which was funded by a company through a scholarship program,
from a famous University in America.
I finally worked in the company. Within a quite high salary,
I intended to take my mother to enjoy her life in America.
But my lovely mother didn't want to bother her son,
she said to me "I'm not used to."
That was Mother's Seventh Lie.
8.After entering her old age,
mother got a flank cancer and had to be hospitalized.
I, who lived in miles away and across the ocean,
directly went home to visit my dearest mother.
She lied down in weakness on her bed after having an operation.
Mother, who looked so old, was staring at me in deep yearn.
She tried to spread her smile on her face;
even it looked so stiff because of the disease she held out.
It was clear enough to see how the disease broke my mother's body,
thus she looked so weak and thin.
I stared at my mother within tears flowing on my face.
My heart was hurt, so hurt, seeing my mother on that condition.
But mother, with her strength, said "Don't cry, my dear.
I'm not in pain."
That was Mother's Eight Lie.
After saying her eighth lie, She closed her eyes forever!
Posted by
11/08/2007 01:18:00 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Jesus VS Satan
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation.
Satan went to visit Jesus in the Garden of Eden,
and Satan came all happy and boasting. (Lk 4: 1-12; Job 1: 6-12)
'Yes, Lord, now I have everybody captive,
(well nearly everybody down there).
I set traps, I used the baits of temptation,
I know well what each one of them can't resist.
I nearly caught them all!' (I Pet 5: 8-9; Eph 6: 10-17)
'What are you going to do with them?' Jesus asked.
and He was praying to God the Father.
Satan answered 'Oh, I am going to have some fun with them!'
'll make them divorce after they have married
so the foundation of humanity will never be able to be established
'the family' (Mt 19: 4-6; Mal 2: 16)
I will make them hate each other and abuse each other,
make them fall into alcohol and drugs without control. (Rom 13: 12-14)
I will teach them to make weapons and bombs,
so they kill each other
'I am really going to have fun!'
'And when you are tired of playing with them, what will you do?'
Jesus asked. And continued praying
'Oh, I will kill them all and their souls will be mine forever'
'Lord by all respect, it's their decision' (I Jn 3: 8-10)
'How much do you want for all of them?' Jesus asked.
'Oh, you can't want these people. They aren't anything good.
Why do you want them if they neither follow you nor love you?
Many hate you! I have seen many of them spitting on you, cursing you and even denying you.'
'What's more, they love me a lot' (Mt 24: 10-13)
'You don't want these people!!'
'How much?' Jesus asked again
Satan looked at him with a nasty face
'All your tears and all your blood,
all the pain of the entire world, all together' (Is 53: 4-10; I Pet 2: 24)
Jesus said...'DONE'
'and He paid the price' (II Cor 5: 21)
How terrible it is that people don't seek for God,
and then ask themselves why the world is going to hell!
How terrible that we seek the newspaper everyday to read tragedies
and we never seek the Bible
How insensible it is how everybody wants to go to heaven,
thinking they can get there without having to believe,
without loving God above all things,
or doing what the Bible says...the Laws of God.
It is terrible how some people can say 'I believe in God'
but still follow Satan (Who as matter of fact, does fear God)
(II Tim 4: 3-4; II Jn 1: 7-11)
Don't you think it's pathetic how they send
each other thousands of jokes by email,
so they spread like plagues.
But when it's about the Lord's messages,
we think about it twice before we share them;
and we leave the mailboxes of our friends without this message
Don't you think it is outrageous that the obscene,
vulgar and crude is allowed freely to pass through the internet
that even many people would desire to get into the screen.
But it is forbidden to speak publicly about Jesus
in the schools, places of work
self-helping groups, etc... (Acts 4: 19-20)
Even after knowing what He did for us.
Because the Romans didn't kill Him. It was our sin.
that we may be forgiven
and know Him in His glory with the Father.
Doesn't it seem incredible to you how somebody can be alight
on Sabbath in the Church,
worshipping and thanking the Lord for His mercy,
for one more day to live etc.
But during the rest of the week he is an invisible Christian! (II Tim 3: 1-5; Rom 10: 9-13)
Does this seem just to you?
Don't let Satan stop you sending this Mail
to all your contacts on the Web,
It doesn't matter if he tells you that many don't believe this
Don't let him get through with his plans!
Stop worrying what the others may think about you
It is time to worry about what 'God thinks about you'
Please brother and sister, pass it on?
'I already did it'
May God bless you always (II Cor 13: 13)
Posted by
11/06/2007 07:47:00 PM