My blog have been stagnant for a while now but my life hasn’t been a quiet one. Lots of things have happen in d spent of a few month of d absence of my update. Some I wish I cud jus throw it away, some I really cherished it till d end. Even though they might look small but those small things tat really matters to me.
Lately, I take a look on my life, to d stage where I am now, I realized I came a long way. I aso realized tat I can’t govern my life as I want to becos this life doesn’t belong to me. At times, I still have my old habit which frustrates me a lot becos I cant seems to shake it off no matter wat I do. Sumtimes, I cant even connect to my inner feelings, I cant describe to d ppl I care on how I am really feeling. I knw it frustrates them as much as it frustrate me. Even up to now, I cant really understand myself, on why I feel this way wen I shudnt be at all. Its all so weird. It is as if my heart n my mind doesn’t belong to me n tat they have their mind of their own. But on contrary, I aso knw tat I have changed from wat I was last time & now. And I really thank God for tat.
Incident tat took place in my life mainly relationship, doubts, questions n more questions, anger, frustration n lots of tears, it all happen for a reason. Though its hard for me to trust The One Above, but I knw tat He allow this to happen for a reason. But I cant help to wonder how many hurts I have to go thru before I really done His will in my life. The journey looks long , hard n lonely. There r lots of things tat happen that doesn’t make sense to me. Nevertheless, He never fail to send help along the way wen the going gets tough. Those help comes in d form of angel in human, in another words great , understanding friends. They r the one who play the biggest part in forming me to wat I am now. I am entirely grateful for each n every angel He has send to me. Those precious lives not only touched mine but lots of other lives as they r His willing vessel to spread His wonderful love!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
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9/13/2008 08:24:00 PM
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