church camps...dont u jus love this word?..camps r great n it does get better when it is a church camp! and to top it up, its Harvest Generation 1st church camp n i was a part of it!!=)
it been really long since i last wen to a church camp...but thank God i did have a opportunity to go for one recently n i nvr regretted my decision to go..indeed God has planned everything out when u least expected...
well, the camp im talking abt is together wif my church back in subang, Harvest Generation Church...last weekend (2-4 may), they had their first church camp at Peacehaven, Genting..,i have been to tat place for 2 times wif my hometown church but its not the place tat matters but it is d very purpose of d camp...
i have cum to this camp nt expecting much as i had a rough week before the the feeling of enjoying the camp flew out of d window but nvrtheless i choose to go as i have alreadi sign up n i really needed a break...i guess is really God' s will for me to be as tired as i feel, i still went for the camp...
how timely it is for the message tat is preached is sumting tat i really needed at tat time...Ps Ryan preached about the potential tat God has place in us n the theme of the camp is Building Characters, Impacting Lifes
this msg is so timely as i really felt so dry n numb. n all those mix feeling tat u cant really grasp n explained...after the night session we had on sat, i wen back to d dorm n really cried out to God..i nvr cried tat hard to Him as far as i can the same time,i nvr expected Him to answer me but i jus needed to let it out on how i feel..n God is so amazing...He does work in many ways to show tat He does listen to our faintest cry...time n again He has proved His faithfulness n His unfailing love although so many times i doubted it...
after the morning session d next day (sun), we had prayers as a cell group n we jus continue to seek God in His presence...suddenly, one of my cell member approached me n sed tat he had a word from the Lord for me...n wat he sed to me was jus was d very exact word tat i needed to hear n God has told me what i needed to hear...i was amazed...isnt God jus wonderful?...when u really feel unloved, He alwiz show He cares....He shows tat He is walking beside me thru this journey although many times i dont feel Him ard me...but He is there...alwiz...
its jus so amazing...i did enjoy this camp n this camp has renewed me in Him..this camp has really gave me a new meaning...i really glad tat God has planned for me to cum for this camp as He has a plan n purpose for me...n He will bring me thru this actually looking forward to c what He has for me!..what a surprise!even to me...=)
so, yeah, tat is hw my camp went abt...will post sum pics once i gt them...till then!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Harvest Generation Very 1st church camp '08
Posted by
5/05/2008 10:52:00 AM
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