sumtimes life can get really busy n we tend to forget to Thank God for the lil things tat happen in life...we aso tend to take for granted those things n we only start to miss them wen they r gone..that is human nature...u learn to appreciate things only wen they r no longer there...
so i wan to take this opportunity to thank God for the lil things i take for granted all this while...
~ lil blessing from my frens when i really least expected..jus d care n love that is shown where at times i really frustrated them...yet they still loves me!=)
~ my bufday treats n celebrations tat i have..its a memorable wan...
~ God has taken care of me although at times i x feel it at all..d numbers of times of close accidents...=)
~ God have place me in a wonderful church back in my hometown for me to grow n He has aso granted me a most happening church in subang too!
~He has blessed me with wonderful frens who really shows tat there is one in a million frens (in my case) in this dark world...
~He has taught me hw to love n trust in my frens again n learn to allow myself to be taken care another word, broken down my "very high" pride...
~He has seen me thru many of my trials wen i really felt i cant go on..He taught me to lean on Him instead of myself...again, d pride issues...=)
~He has blessed me with a wonderful fam in Harvest Gen who drove all d way jus to pick me up for church n aso for jus being there....
~ He has given me wat i have prayed for so long until i forgotten abt it...
~He has provided all my needs (big o small) thru my growing years...He has proven time & again tat He is faithful & He cares...
~He blessed me with really great frens tat i have grown close too tat they r like sisters to me....
~ He nvr ever gave up on me..nt once although i have given up on Him more than once...
~He has loved me with His everlasting love although its kinda hard for me to grasp tat fact....
~He send His only son, Jesus jus to die for me & the fallen world...
i can go on n on on how much He has blessed me...but i cant remember all of tat as it is so much!..but this i knw, He does love me despite for my failures & my imperfections....for tat:
Thank You Lord! Thank You for every blessing i gt from u although at times i knw i x deserve it at all...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
lil things..
Posted by
5/08/2008 08:49:00 AM
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