on d 14th June 2008, the twins,(Bernice & Eunice Jesudasan) who r very dear to me, had their 21st bday celebration in izzi cafe, bukit bintang, KL n i was graciously being invited! we had a great time catching up since the last time we meet was ages ago! we stayed up till 6am jus talking..so nwey, here r sum of d pics, i ll let the pics do d talking n let u enjoy d videos...bt bear in mind, d pics & videos r abit blur due to "canggihfied" camera..=)..more nice pics will be posted once i get them, for d meantime, this will do...enjoy!=)
the pics:-

this is taken during their performance tat night..talented gals!

this is d bufday gals!stars of the night!(l-r):Eunice & Bernice

The Twins! My dearest frens which i can never replace! Bernice & Eunice Jesudasan..thanks for being such a blessing!luv u both!
the videos:-
the twins performs Leona Lewis' s song "Footprints in the sand"
the traditional bufday song sang for the twins
the pics of the twins...