Sumone once sed to me this words:
“Prayer is a free outgoing call to heaven , No battery power, No charging , No network problem , no simcard. Always good signal & endless talktime”
its true..last time if u sed this words to me n tell me tat prayer works, I wud have scoff at you becos to me, prayer don’t always work. But its not tat it doesn’t work, but at times actually we r the wan who jus cant accept the answer “wait”.
But lately, as I was seeking sum things desperately n I was at the end of my rope, I decided to try d last option tat is praying. I told God, well, if prayer works, prove it to me. Truly, I thank God for answering my simple prayer n proves to me really tat prayer is indeed powerful. Once, there is a pastor who sed tat the real congregation of a church is d ppl who attend a prayer meeting continuously. Not tat I mean not goin to prayer meet means tat u r nt a church member, becos I myself don’t really attend too. But is jus d point tat prayer really does work.
Here is sum proofs tat prayer does work in my life though at times its not the way I wanted it to turn out but I do knw He knws wat is best for me:
~ God granted me a desire of my heart although it was so long time ago n I gave up praying abt it. Infact, I even forgotten abt it but yet He gave it to me when I least expected it. God loves to work in surprises. =)
~ He has faithfully c me thru all my final exams for 3 semesters now n I believe tat He will continue to c me thru my remaining semesters. The miracle is tat I don’t keep my prayer life in check but yet He answers my prayers although I onli seek Him wen exams r really near. =P..yet He is still faithful!
~ There is one time wen I had to rush to send my frens off at d airport in sem 4 n since our public transports in KL is so “reliable”, I had to get to d airport latest by 9.45 am n I onli got into d bus from KL sentral at 9 am. It seems impossible to get there in time but along d way, I jus prayed n believe. I told God tat nothing is impossible for Him n ask Him to supernaturally help me to arrive at d airport latest by 9.45am. He not onli get me there in time, at 9.45 am sharp, d bus came to a stop right in front of d airport door! How amazing is tat! The best part is, I didn’t even make a proper prayer but jus sed tat “God, pls help me to get there latest by 9.45. I knw all things r possible wif You. Thank You Father”
This are jus a few incidents tat prove to me no matter where I am, God always heard d faintest cry of my heart. He is faithful to meet d needs of His children. Im still continue to believe tat He will answer a prayer. Indeed He has brought me to a higher lever of faith in Him! Thanks Dad! Thanks for those who had prayed for my life & God have answered their prayer! C, another proof! =)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Prayer does work!
Posted by
6/08/2008 08:10:00 PM
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