Y is it wen things doesnt go ur way, i was d one to be blame?
is everything wrong in this world is my fault? all this year of blame, i still cant shake it off..at time it still bugs me....
God, help me...im helpless without u....
can i stay blameless before You wen the time cums?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Posted by
7/26/2008 03:09:00 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Penang Trip (20 - 25 June 2008)
this post was supposed to be up sum time ago but due to d business of life, i didnt have d chance to post this up..its basically abt my 5 days trip up to penang in june which becum a meaningful trip for me..
as u can see from d date above, i finally manage to leave my footprint in penang!haha..but like i say, it was a good trip..my bro act as a "gud tour guide" ard penang by bringing me ard shopping complexs! humph..as if malacca is so short of shopping complexs...but still, i appreciate his effort..hey, hw many brother who wud take leave just to bring their sister ard penang?
nwey, beside d shopping complex, penang really live up to its name of being food heaven! for those food lover out there, namely Johnathan Teoh, they shud make a trip up to penang...d food, wow, its realy lovely...the seafood in Tambun is worth trying..not to mention tat the price is reasonable too! even its has been few months after my trip, my mouth still waters on d mention of d seafood!=).
i aso had a chance to attend my bro's church in penang, Excel Point church..yeah, i knw, the name will struck u as a tution centre but the service is good!the members r real frenly n i got the chance to be introduce to my bro's CG..they r bunch of wonderful ppl! over all, it has been a great trip up...though i might nt explore penang thoughly, but the time i gt to spend with my bro is priceless! Thank You God for tis opportunity!
Posted by
7/12/2008 12:51:00 AM
My Job Scope
This post is birthed due to d request of Anna Teoh =).. its abt sum details abt my job as a pharmacy assistant..wat basically i do & wat is my job like..it is aso for d curious ppl out there...
well, as d word assistant is there, so yeah, i am an assistant to d pharmacist..the pharmacist basically knw technically abt the medication but d assistants basically knw more abt hw d drugs works in ur body..in other word, d practical side of d medication...then in small clinics, we r the one who does d filling based on d prescriptions tat is given & we r the one who explain to d patients too...aso, we r the one who d docs call for enquiry abt any medication..
in general hospital,we basically calculate d dose & quantity of each medication before supplying them n d pharmacist is d one who does d explaining..in here aso, we r responsible to to prepack medication into sum quantities tat is fix..in making creams for dermatological uses, we r d responsible one to mix all the important ingredients to make a smooth & effective cream..
as for IV drips, our job is to mix everything in d drip bag thru a special way to reduce contamination from happening..then, at times, doctors will request for blood samples to be tested for certain drugs tat is given to check d level of drug in d patient's blood..aso this test is used in poisoning cases to ensure d best level of antidote to give...
as for in-patient, my job is to fill up d empty boxes & prescriptions tat is send to d ward supply department for filling...i have to record down d details of medications tat is given in d patient's record & fill up wat is needed..d wards will aso sumtimes order sum top up medication to place in wards..so yeah, my job again...
so yeah, tis is jus basically my job scope..jus to summarized it, im dealing wif medication every single day & moment of my job..lol..so hope u enjoy reading it anna! n hope u wont b curious abt my job anymore!=)
Posted by
7/12/2008 12:20:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
jus 4 letters but yet play a big part in my life..jus a feeling but yet at times can jus paralysed me..yes, im guilty at times for being a slave to fear...this feeling is d onli feeling tat can make me feel helpless & i cant do anything to prevent it...
but lately, i have face sum fears in sum areas of my life..im far from perfect & im still working on it but im still proud tat i manage to sort of overcum it..2 of my great fear is driving & aso to do a core part of my current job, explaining intructions to patients concerning each medication, in other word, dispensing..
yes, i knw sooner or later i need to do it but i havent been having d courage to step up & dispense to any patient...but one fine day, i was pushed to dispense to patient..n guess wat, i did it! nt onli i did it but it was good! n aso nt as scary as i tot...so yeah, thank god with His help i cud overcum one of my fear & perfom better in my work!
on d same day, my fren asked me to accompany her to a bank in Sin Hoe garden..then while she did her business in d bank, i was waiting in d car..suddenly a tot & prompting came to me to ask her to allow me to drive her car back to d klinik..well, at first i argued with myself as my own fam's car i dont really drive, wat more its my fren's car..beside, i havent even driven out of my taman & i had my license for like 2 years...sad rite?..
nwey, d urge was so strong tat wen my fren came into d car, i jus blurted out tat i wan to drive her car..oh, did i forget to mention tat my license was nt wif me at d time?..lol..but nwey, she was so kind enuf to allow me to n I DROVE from SIN HOE TO PERINGGIT! for those who r malaccan, u will knw hw far is d distant,its nt tat far but for a first time driver driving out in d main road, i did pretty well..there were few flaws ard, but i manage to drive us safely back!..isint God Good!..i wont b able to do it wifout Him...i wudnt b able to overcum my phobia of driving..
I really thank God for d strenght He gave me...i havent entirely overcum my fears but i believe as i continue to trust Him, i knw He will help me through..for now, im proud of myself!..=)
Posted by
7/09/2008 07:29:00 PM