I just had to write to tell you how much I love you and care for you. Yesterday, I saw you walking and laughing with friends and I hope that soon you'd want me to walk along with you too. So, I painted you a sunset to close your day and whispered a cool breeze to refresh you. I waited - you never called - I just keep on loving you.
As I watched you fall asleep last night, I wanted so much to touch you. I spilled moonlight onto your face - trickling down your cheeks as so many tears have. You didn't even think of me. I wanted so much to comfort you.
The next day I exploded a brilliant sunrise into glorious morning for you. But you woke up late and rushed off - you didn't even notice. My skin became cloudy and My tears were the rain.
I love you, oh, if you'd only listen. I really love you. I try to say it in the quiet of the green meadows and the blue sky. The wind whispers My love throughout the treetops and spills it into the vibrant colours of all the flowers. I shout it to you in the thunder of the great waterfall and composed love songs for birds to sing for you. I warm you with the cloathing of My sunshine and perfume the air with nature's sweet scent. My love for you is deeper than any ocean and greater than any need in your heart. If only you'd realize how much I care.
My father sends His love. I want you to meet Him - He cares, too. Fathers are just that way. So, please, call on Me soon. No matter how long it takes, I'll wait - because I love you.
Your friend,
How true it is tat everyday as we go thru life...thru ups n downs..thru happy times as well as bad times...we often forget tat there is One true Fren who patiently waiting for us to spend more time wif Him...constantly watching out for us, taking care of us, praying for us...n yet, we onli o to Him when life gets tough n unbearable....
still, He continue to forgive us n embrace us wif His everlasting love...helping us n being near to those who Needed His Touch...walking beside us...guiding us wif His gentle whisper...gently diciplins us....n constantly blessing us more than we ever deserve it...Lay His precious life on The Cross so tat we r made whole n we could now Stand before the Father blameless..He is a comforter during times of distress, a fortress in d time of storm...
Im trully grateful tat i have a privilage to knw this Best Fren as well as My Brother....now i knw tat He does care alot for me n tat He understands me more than anyone in this world...He alwiz pick me up wen i fall n forgive me for all my sins...advocate for me wen the Evil 1 accuses me before the Father...HE IS JESUS CHRIST, MY LORD AND SAVIOUR!...get to knw Him today n i assure u tat ur life will nvr be d same again n u wont regret it at all...
Monday, September 17, 2007
A personal Letter From Jesus...
Posted by
9/17/2007 01:11:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy bufday to my beloved bros....Tze Seong & Tze Wei!
In 3 days time, my dearest elder twin bro will be celebrating their 24th bufday..so prety much tis post is dedicated to them...this is becos they are the most wonderful brothers tat God have bless me wif...they have been wif me since d first day i open my eyes to this world...hope u all wud enjoy reading it...
24 years ago, God decided to bless a family wif a twin sons as their first born...God have specific plans for this two souls as He forms them in their mother's womb...so after nine months of carrying them, those two boys were born & been given names...the older wan is Liew Tze Seong & his younger bro who is jus 7 mins late from his brother is named Liew Tze Wei....and so they began their journey of growing up on that family...
They grew up like any normal twins..doing things together n wearing d same matching clothing...n so they grew up happily wif jus having each other as company for 4 years till God decided to bless d family again wif another addition (ehem...me!)...a baby girl...the boys were thrilled on d latest addition(i tink...hahahaha)...d elder wan alwiz taking opportunity to pinch his sister;s cubby cheek wen mum is busy in d kitchen...bt comparing between d sister n her brothers, the boys were more quiet compare to their sister...(hehe)...nevertheless, there are aso bickering ard d house and mum yelling wen u have 3 active kids tat are growing up..
Fast foward to their secondary school days...they r very well like by their peers in school as they care alot for their frens n alwiz handing a helping hand to anyone who needs it...They aso began to grow more in the Lord...each of them took up different kind of instrument...both of them took up drum n guitar at first bt as time past they realized tat each of them have a interest in different kind of instrument...i guess u can say different gifting although they r twins...
And so Tze seong wen to purse his talent in drums where else Tze wei wen to purse bass...but no matter wat instrument they take up, the most important thing was tat they use their talent to please their Father in Heaven who have bless them wif those talents...they started serving actively in church...playing for church...they never forget once where did their talent cum from n who was d wan to blessed them wif those...they aso started to instill bit by bit interest in music into their sister's life...though she is nt s talented as them bt thanks to them, she does have sum basic in sum instruments(=))...they r aso very active in their cf during their uni days...
Aft their uni days,they started to part ways in pursuing different career...Tze Seong wen to penang to work as a tech support in Dell company...as for Tze Wei, he is a lecture in MMU Malacca...as for their baby sister (tat's wat they alwiz call me..humph)...she wen to off to study in kl...bt though distant seperate them,this 3 siblings remain close....they keep each other updated on wat is happening...n as far as i knw,rite nw they r still active serving in church...im so glad tat God have given me d opportunity to be their sister...they have indeed looked out for me and giving me advice wen i need them...they aso alwiz cracking up jokes n i really enjoy my relationship wif my brothers...yes, we do bicker ard at times bt hey, in d end of the day i do knw one thing...n tat is :
My Brothers Do love me very much & So do i!! They have been a wonderful blessing to d ppl ard them n to Me!
so nwey, tat is jus a bit of my brothers life...im so glad tat i had them as my brothers n i wont trade anything else in this world for them...so here is their pic wif another set of twins in my church...*thank god for twins..heheheh*hey..hw many ppl do u knw hv d privillage to have twin bros as ur sibling?not to mention good looking too..(err..hope my bro dont read this..hahaha)...so here they ar!..presenting...
Posted by
9/10/2007 03:57:00 PM
Bbq nitez....
Last 2 week wen i wen back to malacca for d merdeka break, i had a bbq party for reunion for my classmates...the party was held in a field in bukit beruang on d 1st Sept 2007....at first those who came early set off to set up our makeshift bbq set tat compose of a steel net on bricks...hahahaha...
Then setting up d fire is a challenge though...bt as for us who have gone for national service manage to applied wat we have been taught and soon we had d fire!(p:s//see how useful goin for ns?..so parents,send ur children today!..=P)....nwey,by the time we had d fire goin,most of d guests came alredi so everyone wif out wasting time started bbqing wat they wan...so tam chiak (greddy)...hehehehe..
The purpose of d party was aso to celebrate sum of our frens bufday...sum are a belated wan n sum son to cum...bt hey,its d tots of true frens tat counts..so nwey, we had a melting mocha ice cream cake from secret receipe..well,its melting cos although there were sum ice in d box bt still,we sort of took a while to get d fire started =p....bt nevertheless,it taste great!...although i didnt really taste much as i was busy bbq for ppl...hahahaha...but i gt to taste it too thanks to my dear fren,Daryl who keep cuming to me n feeding me...hahaha..thanks gal...
We partied till ard 12am before we decided to call it a nite...it was great to be able to catch up wif frens, updating each other, n see sum changes tat is happening to unexpected ppl *wink,wink*, seeing each other couple...hahaha...tats d best part...catching up wif long time primary skoolmate was cool too...laughing at those silly times wen we were young & innocent (er...)...
sumhow,goin for d party make me realized hw times flies & hw true it is to appreciate those who is ard u & ur true frens...many times, there is alot of things we took for granted & wen we look back,sumhw there r things tat we will regret n wish tat we shud appreciate it better...bt no use to cry over spilled milk...wat is done is done & we cant change a thing tat already happen bt we can change wat is goin to happen in d future!
My bbqed Product..wan to try sum?its cooked i tink...=P *pls ignore d burned sausage n d half burned fishball though..cudnt help it=)*
Bbq reunion party..had a great time...catching up n stuffs...& of course delicous food
Mary, Soon Jiat, Daryl , Me and Sally...
Me & Daryl, my primary 1 fren till nw...amazing fren
Me and Sally, my primary skool fren as well as classmate till secondary 5
Posted by
9/10/2007 02:49:00 PM
Special Dedication...to my Special Ppl in my life...
Thank you For simply being there on the cloudy days…on the sunny days...
thank you for sharing your joys and pain with me
for showing me that I’m so special
that my contribution count towards our special relationship tat we share
I have grown as a person tat i am today because of ur love n effort
Thank you…just for you
Thank you For simply being my friend and my comforter
For the special memories We share together
For the never ending support and love You always give me
I will always love each of u
I can’t tell you how much That you mean to me
I pray for our everlasting Bond will never break
Never ever say goodbye to yesterday
Cause each of u is so special and wonderful to me
Thank you for everything
Those ppl are:-

My dearest classmate, Roziah (wif d sweater)

My childhood fren since primary 1! haha...Daryl Glory
My dearest elder biological twin bros (on ur left :Tze Wei & Tze Seong)

Posted by
9/10/2007 01:00:00 PM