This post is specially dedicated to d most important ppl in my life...thanks for making such a great impacts in my guys are my everything n d best blessing tat god can give to me...i really thank God for Each n everyone of u tat He send to help me along d way in this journey call life and show me His endless love n care towards me thru u all...
Thank you For simply being there on the cloudy days…on the sunny days...
thank you for sharing your joys and pain with me
for showing me that I’m so special
that my contribution count towards our special relationship tat we share
I have grown as a person tat i am today because of ur love n effort
Thank you…just for you
Thank you For simply being my friend and my comforter
For the special memories We share together
For the never ending support and love You always give me
I will always love each of u
I can’t tell you how much That you mean to me
I pray for our everlasting Bond will never break
Never ever say goodbye to yesterday
Cause each of u is so special and wonderful to me
Thank you for everything
Those ppl are:-
Daryl,mary n wondeful secondary shool frens

Me wif my super seniors:Lisa,Bee,n Peng
My dearest classmate, Roziah (wif d sweater)
My wonderful & lovely frens (l to r: Vivian,Audrey,Cheryl & Ern Suey)

My childhood fren since primary 1! haha...Daryl Glory
My dearest younger god sister, Gloria
My dear god sister, Joiee Jeffrey Satuk
My dearest elder biological twin bros (on ur left :Tze Wei & Tze Seong)
My dearest cousin, Robin n his wonderful wife, Renee

My dear wonderful sis-in-christ, Carene
Wonderful frens, Caroline Ho & Ong Ai Jun
My lovely & beautiful fren, Cheryl Tan
Thanks for being a part of my life n playing a part in helping me to discover who i am...I love u guys...God Bless...