In 3 days time, my dearest elder twin bro will be celebrating their 24th prety much tis post is dedicated to them...this is becos they are the most wonderful brothers tat God have bless me wif...they have been wif me since d first day i open my eyes to this world...hope u all wud enjoy reading it...
24 years ago, God decided to bless a family wif a twin sons as their first born...God have specific plans for this two souls as He forms them in their mother's after nine months of carrying them, those two boys were born & been given names...the older wan is Liew Tze Seong & his younger bro who is jus 7 mins late from his brother is named Liew Tze Wei....and so they began their journey of growing up on that family...
They grew up like any normal twins..doing things together n wearing d same matching clothing...n so they grew up happily wif jus having each other as company for 4 years till God decided to bless d family again wif another addition (!)...a baby girl...the boys were thrilled on d latest addition(i tink...hahahaha)...d elder wan alwiz taking opportunity to pinch his sister;s cubby cheek wen mum is busy in d comparing between d sister n her brothers, the boys were more quiet compare to their sister...(hehe)...nevertheless, there are aso bickering ard d house and mum yelling wen u have 3 active kids tat are growing up..
Fast foward to their secondary school days...they r very well like by their peers in school as they care alot for their frens n alwiz handing a helping hand to anyone who needs it...They aso began to grow more in the Lord...each of them took up different kind of instrument...both of them took up drum n guitar at first bt as time past they realized tat each of them have a interest in different kind of instrument...i guess u can say different gifting although they r twins...
And so Tze seong wen to purse his talent in drums where else Tze wei wen to purse bass...but no matter wat instrument they take up, the most important thing was tat they use their talent to please their Father in Heaven who have bless them wif those talents...they started serving actively in church...playing for church...they never forget once where did their talent cum from n who was d wan to blessed them wif those...they aso started to instill bit by bit interest in music into their sister's life...though she is nt s talented as them bt thanks to them, she does have sum basic in sum instruments(=))...they r aso very active in their cf during their uni days...
Aft their uni days,they started to part ways in pursuing different career...Tze Seong wen to penang to work as a tech support in Dell for Tze Wei, he is a lecture in MMU for their baby sister (tat's wat they alwiz call me..humph)...she wen to off to study in though distant seperate them,this 3 siblings remain close....they keep each other updated on wat is happening...n as far as i knw,rite nw they r still active serving in so glad tat God have given me d opportunity to be their sister...they have indeed looked out for me and giving me advice wen i need them...they aso alwiz cracking up jokes n i really enjoy my relationship wif my brothers...yes, we do bicker ard at times bt hey, in d end of the day i do knw one thing...n tat is :
My Brothers Do love me very much & So do i!! They have been a wonderful blessing to d ppl ard them n to Me!
so nwey, tat is jus a bit of my brothers so glad tat i had them as my brothers n i wont trade anything else in this world for here is their pic wif another set of twins in my church...*thank god for twins..heheheh*hey..hw many ppl do u knw hv d privillage to have twin bros as ur sibling?not to mention good looking too..(err..hope my bro dont read this..hahaha) here they ar!..presenting...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy bufday to my beloved bros....Tze Seong & Tze Wei!
The bufday boys!Liew Tze Seong & Liew Tze Wei!
From your left to right: Tze Wei, Tze Seong, Brendan & Brian (another set of twins in my church)
p/s:thanks anna for d pic...=p
Happy 24th Birthday, Seong & Wei!
Posted by
9/10/2007 03:57:00 PM
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