recently, my goduncle, age 52,jus passed away...he passed away due to a bad stroke tat puts him into a coma for 2days...
his death is really a shock to me as i onli gt the news tat he was admitted to the hospital on sat nite...i was planning to c him in d hospital on my lunch break on mon but i was too late by a few hours...he has passed away on 12.15am on mon...
wen mum called me informing abt his death, i cudn belived it...he look healthy since the last time i saw him & he has no records of hypertension..but according to his mother(my babysitter), he did complain of a few headache but he nvr wen to the doc to check it out...if he wud have done tat, mayb his life will b prolonged...
wen i heard tat, it hit me hard tat we shudnt take for granted our life...the very fact tat im still breathing here & typing this blog is a blessing from God..constantly, wen the road gts tough, we tend to entertain tots tat is negative & ended up lossing hope...but there is more to life of we pressed on...also, wen our body started to show signs & symptoms of abnormalities, its better to go & gt it the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure"....tat goes the same wif me as i do nt like to c d doc unless im really, really sick...i alwiz brush it off as nothg...tats wat my goduncle did & look wat happen to him...
so, i tink we shud live our life as if as tat day is or final day...becos in d end, u will regret for nt being able to achive ur best in life....
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
life is short & unpredictable....
Posted by
1/29/2008 01:36:00 PM
turning 21..
Turning 21 is alwiz considered as a turning point in one' s for me personally, it doesnt make much of a different though to ppl, it might change the way i tink mayb...
but nwey,i thank God for allowing me to live long enuf to this stage...i did have a wonderful bufday celebration by my wonderful frens....nt to mention those wonderful suprises too...
now tat im alreadi 21, i guess most ppl wud think tat i alreadi gt my silver key to freedom..yes its half true but nvertheless, as u r goin up in age, there is more responsibility tat cums together wif is nt all play n no times i do wonder wether im prepared enuf to carry those expectations & resposibility but i guess tat is hw i grow...i learnt from my mistakes tat i make along the way...
i might make mistakes tat i wud regret but one thing i knw for sure..God is alwiz there wif me every step of the way as long as i allow Him to be & ask HIm to be the author of my life...i have to constantly remind myself wen my fleshly desires wan to go against wat God wans me to do...i hope tat i wud be able to please God & tat i wud hear Him say tat im a faithful servant of HIs!
Posted by
1/29/2008 01:07:00 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A year has gone by...
helo all...yeah i know, tis post is abit late..normally this kind of post will be posted in d early of d year...hehehehe...but well, its still january so its still considered early right?!..=)
so nwey, another year has gone by & i never knew hw fast time flies...this year has been another eventful year for me...well, lots of things wether it is good or bad has tot me a lesson or also help me to learn & to change sum prospective of life...i guess tat is wat they say d process of growing up into wat God wants you to be...
but over all, i do thank Him for sending me help along the way went things gets tough...i wont be where i am nw if nt for those who handed a helping hand..God aso have been really good by giving me his strenght to go thru it...He was d one who saw me thru it all...
tis year, as d new year began, i dont have much of a new year resolution becos i gv up doin them long time ago..its becos i ended up never fulfilling them so its no piont doin it aso right?...ehehehe...i aso learn nt to plan my own things for my life as im nt the author of my life is nt my own to liuve the way i wan them to live...i knw sumhw deep inside me tat God has a plan for my life & i trust He will finish wat he has started in prayer is tat im walking in His direction no matter hw tough the road can be becos i knw i have great frens & sisters-in-christ who will stand by me..& nt forgetiing a BIG God who will meet all my need!
Posted by
1/13/2008 07:55:00 PM