i knw my blog is stagnant again for a while but cant seems to find time to update it..
will do so wen i can squeeze time from my ever busy shedule!..till then, soree readers!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by
10/28/2008 01:33:00 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me within your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust
This song personally speak to me every time i heard it..it alwiz cums on d rite timing n constantly reminding me to be still n knw He is in control of everything though it looks like a storm out there..God, help me to put my whole trust in You alone, Amen
Posted by
9/15/2008 01:23:00 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My blog have been stagnant for a while now but my life hasn’t been a quiet one. Lots of things have happen in d spent of a few month of d absence of my update. Some I wish I cud jus throw it away, some I really cherished it till d end. Even though they might look small but those small things tat really matters to me.
Lately, I take a look on my life, to d stage where I am now, I realized I came a long way. I aso realized tat I can’t govern my life as I want to becos this life doesn’t belong to me. At times, I still have my old habit which frustrates me a lot becos I cant seems to shake it off no matter wat I do. Sumtimes, I cant even connect to my inner feelings, I cant describe to d ppl I care on how I am really feeling. I knw it frustrates them as much as it frustrate me. Even up to now, I cant really understand myself, on why I feel this way wen I shudnt be at all. Its all so weird. It is as if my heart n my mind doesn’t belong to me n tat they have their mind of their own. But on contrary, I aso knw tat I have changed from wat I was last time & now. And I really thank God for tat.
Incident tat took place in my life mainly relationship, doubts, questions n more questions, anger, frustration n lots of tears, it all happen for a reason. Though its hard for me to trust The One Above, but I knw tat He allow this to happen for a reason. But I cant help to wonder how many hurts I have to go thru before I really done His will in my life. The journey looks long , hard n lonely. There r lots of things tat happen that doesn’t make sense to me. Nevertheless, He never fail to send help along the way wen the going gets tough. Those help comes in d form of angel in human, in another words great , understanding friends. They r the one who play the biggest part in forming me to wat I am now. I am entirely grateful for each n every angel He has send to me. Those precious lives not only touched mine but lots of other lives as they r His willing vessel to spread His wonderful love!
Posted by
9/13/2008 08:24:00 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Y is it wen things doesnt go ur way, i was d one to be blame?
is everything wrong in this world is my fault? all this year of blame, i still cant shake it off..at time it still bugs me....
God, help me...im helpless without u....
can i stay blameless before You wen the time cums?
Posted by
7/26/2008 03:09:00 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Penang Trip (20 - 25 June 2008)
this post was supposed to be up sum time ago but due to d business of life, i didnt have d chance to post this up..its basically abt my 5 days trip up to penang in june which becum a meaningful trip for me..
as u can see from d date above, i finally manage to leave my footprint in penang!haha..but like i say, it was a good trip..my bro act as a "gud tour guide" ard penang by bringing me ard shopping complexs! humph..as if malacca is so short of shopping complexs...but still, i appreciate his effort..hey, hw many brother who wud take leave just to bring their sister ard penang?
nwey, beside d shopping complex, penang really live up to its name of being food heaven! for those food lover out there, namely Johnathan Teoh, they shud make a trip up to penang...d food, wow, its realy lovely...the seafood in Tambun is worth trying..not to mention tat the price is reasonable too! even its has been few months after my trip, my mouth still waters on d mention of d seafood!=).
i aso had a chance to attend my bro's church in penang, Excel Point church..yeah, i knw, the name will struck u as a tution centre but the service is good!the members r real frenly n i got the chance to be introduce to my bro's CG..they r bunch of wonderful ppl! over all, it has been a great trip up...though i might nt explore penang thoughly, but the time i gt to spend with my bro is priceless! Thank You God for tis opportunity!
Posted by
7/12/2008 12:51:00 AM
My Job Scope
This post is birthed due to d request of Anna Teoh =).. its abt sum details abt my job as a pharmacy assistant..wat basically i do & wat is my job like..it is aso for d curious ppl out there...
well, as d word assistant is there, so yeah, i am an assistant to d pharmacist..the pharmacist basically knw technically abt the medication but d assistants basically knw more abt hw d drugs works in ur body..in other word, d practical side of d medication...then in small clinics, we r the one who does d filling based on d prescriptions tat is given & we r the one who explain to d patients too...aso, we r the one who d docs call for enquiry abt any medication..
in general hospital,we basically calculate d dose & quantity of each medication before supplying them n d pharmacist is d one who does d explaining..in here aso, we r responsible to to prepack medication into sum quantities tat is fix..in making creams for dermatological uses, we r d responsible one to mix all the important ingredients to make a smooth & effective cream..
as for IV drips, our job is to mix everything in d drip bag thru a special way to reduce contamination from happening..then, at times, doctors will request for blood samples to be tested for certain drugs tat is given to check d level of drug in d patient's blood..aso this test is used in poisoning cases to ensure d best level of antidote to give...
as for in-patient, my job is to fill up d empty boxes & prescriptions tat is send to d ward supply department for filling...i have to record down d details of medications tat is given in d patient's record & fill up wat is needed..d wards will aso sumtimes order sum top up medication to place in wards..so yeah, my job again...
so yeah, tis is jus basically my job scope..jus to summarized it, im dealing wif medication every single day & moment of my job..lol..so hope u enjoy reading it anna! n hope u wont b curious abt my job anymore!=)
Posted by
7/12/2008 12:20:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
jus 4 letters but yet play a big part in my life..jus a feeling but yet at times can jus paralysed me..yes, im guilty at times for being a slave to fear...this feeling is d onli feeling tat can make me feel helpless & i cant do anything to prevent it...
but lately, i have face sum fears in sum areas of my life..im far from perfect & im still working on it but im still proud tat i manage to sort of overcum it..2 of my great fear is driving & aso to do a core part of my current job, explaining intructions to patients concerning each medication, in other word, dispensing..
yes, i knw sooner or later i need to do it but i havent been having d courage to step up & dispense to any patient...but one fine day, i was pushed to dispense to patient..n guess wat, i did it! nt onli i did it but it was good! n aso nt as scary as i tot...so yeah, thank god with His help i cud overcum one of my fear & perfom better in my work!
on d same day, my fren asked me to accompany her to a bank in Sin Hoe garden..then while she did her business in d bank, i was waiting in d car..suddenly a tot & prompting came to me to ask her to allow me to drive her car back to d klinik..well, at first i argued with myself as my own fam's car i dont really drive, wat more its my fren's car..beside, i havent even driven out of my taman & i had my license for like 2 years...sad rite?..
nwey, d urge was so strong tat wen my fren came into d car, i jus blurted out tat i wan to drive her car..oh, did i forget to mention tat my license was nt wif me at d time?..lol..but nwey, she was so kind enuf to allow me to n I DROVE from SIN HOE TO PERINGGIT! for those who r malaccan, u will knw hw far is d distant,its nt tat far but for a first time driver driving out in d main road, i did pretty well..there were few flaws ard, but i manage to drive us safely back!..isint God Good!..i wont b able to do it wifout Him...i wudnt b able to overcum my phobia of driving..
I really thank God for d strenght He gave me...i havent entirely overcum my fears but i believe as i continue to trust Him, i knw He will help me through..for now, im proud of myself!..=)
Posted by
7/09/2008 07:29:00 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
bernice & eunice Jesudasan 21st celebration
on d 14th June 2008, the twins,(Bernice & Eunice Jesudasan) who r very dear to me, had their 21st bday celebration in izzi cafe, bukit bintang, KL n i was graciously being invited! we had a great time catching up since the last time we meet was ages ago! we stayed up till 6am jus talking..so nwey, here r sum of d pics, i ll let the pics do d talking n let u enjoy d videos...bt bear in mind, d pics & videos r abit blur due to "canggihfied" camera..=)..more nice pics will be posted once i get them, for d meantime, this will do...enjoy!=)
the pics:-

this is taken during their performance tat night..talented gals!

this is d bufday gals!stars of the night!(l-r):Eunice & Bernice

The Twins! My dearest frens which i can never replace! Bernice & Eunice Jesudasan..thanks for being such a blessing!luv u both!
the videos:-
the twins performs Leona Lewis' s song "Footprints in the sand"
the traditional bufday song sang for the twins
the pics of the twins...
Posted by
6/23/2008 01:46:00 AM
mashed potatoes vs butter
Can u spot the different of this two things under a "romantic" yellow light?..well, i have tried tat in a fren's bday party n failed badly...here is d story:
on d 14 june 2008, i was invited for a 21st bday party by a dearest fren of mine whom i didnt c for ages! they r twins n their names r Bernice Jesudasan & Eunice Jesudasan. so nwey, they had it in izzi cafe at bukit bintang...after having a wonderful service & all, the dinner begans...
so we (thats me & a few new found frens), the hungry bunch, headed stret to the food..btw,its a buffet itallian foods..so yeah, the first thing we saw was a yellowish like food in a small bowl..seriously, under the pale, yellow light, it looks like mashed potatoes...so we grab a spoonful each n happily put it on our plates..then we moved on to the next dish..lil did we realized tat there was breads near the "mashed potatoes"..we did notice it but it didnt ring any bell to us...
happily, wif our plate full of lovely food, we sat down n began to dig in...my fren, Santuary, started wif a large helping of her "mashed potatoes"..yeah, smart choice...the moment she puts it into her mouth, her face changed & she started to gag! me sitting by her, got panicked n ask her wat happen...but of course, she cudnt answer!puzzled, i waited for her to washed down wif sum ice lemon tea & look expectedly at her...
before tat, i tasted abit of my own "mashed potatoes" & i find it tasted abit odd, more like a chessy taste..but i was tinking tat mayb there might be a lil more cheese in it..lil did i knw tat actually, wat we took in LARGE portion was actually BUTTER! u shud c the look on Santuary's face wen she pop in d large portion of it n realized wat it is! lol...i shud have taken a pic of it...
wen we learn our mistake, we laugh abt it & pieces it together...now we knw y the breads was there..it was there for a purpose.....lol...wat a fond memory tat will last for a lifetime!
Posted by
6/23/2008 01:25:00 AM
3rd Year
Hmm...lots of things have been happening lately..either good or bad...well, one thing for sure on wats goin to happen is: Im goin to be a 3rd & final year student!!
All this is becos by the grace of God, i passed all my exams for sem 4! wouldnt have been able to do it wifout His help...for those who knws me, they will understand hw stress i was for d first time during this sem exam periods...
the insomnias, the tension periods, pulling hair sessions, yes, all tat negative feelings, is all gone nw! but i realized sumting tat God has never once fail to prove He is faithful to c me thru this far...
Jus a glimpse on God's overwhelming goodness in my life:
~ Sem 1 - He has seen me thru my first final exams after not taking it for like 1 & 1/2 years
~ Sem 2 - I had sum bad incidents happening during my near arriving final exams..those who r wif me together will knw wat im talking abt...but yet, i manage nt onli to pass but exceed beyond my expectations!
~ Sem 3 - tot will be free from problems & it will b a problem free sem..but i was wrong..mum was dignosed wif tumour in her brain n surgery is scheduled few days be4 my finals...but God is faithful, He arranged everything from d beganning till my results r out...
~ Sem 4 - for the first time, i freak out abt sitting my exams this time...really tension to d max for sum unknown reason..but studied as much as i cud & prayed hard...again, God nt onli blessed me by my passing but gave me way beyond wat i expected...even my lecs r surprised! Praise God!
so nw i knw..He was there carrying me thru it all...as for the remaining sem (2 more sem to go), im jus goin to continue to put my whole trust & future to His Hand!
"The Lord Is My Shepard, I shall Not Be In Want. He makes me lies in green pastures" Ps 23
Posted by
6/23/2008 01:08:00 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Dont Worry
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You , whose thoughts r fixed on You. Trust in the Lord always , for the Lord God is the eternal rock” Isaiah 26: 3-4
“Therefore do not be worry and anxious” Matt 6:31
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love n of self-discipline” 2 Tim 1: 7
These verses speak abt trusting God with my life. This verses was given to me at one of d lowest point of my life. It really encourages me n constantly reminding me tat He is faithful to lead me by hand thru every path I take.
Time and again, God is faithful to remind me tat He will not leave me nor forsake me. No matter how tough life cans b, He is there to c me thru. He is faithful to bring to completion the work He has began in me. As long as I am in d will of God, I know He is with me. That is my constant prayer tat I will not be out of d will of God n I don’t build a wrong foundation in Him. Tat my foundation will be strong, tat nothing can shaken me in Him. For He is my Father In Heaven who loves me very much n wans d best for me. Like an earthly father cares for his children, so will God my father cares for me.
Every single decision I make, let it be from d guidance of His spirit. Though the future may look uncertain but I continue to put my trust n life into His hand. He will guide me step by step. He has seen to every of my needs, so why shud I worry?
Every time I felt im worrying abt sumting, I have to constantly remind myself tat God is handling it n its nt my problem, but His. And there is no Problem to BIG for Him. There r many verses in d bible tat speaks abt trusting God. So I continue to put my trust in Him!
Thanks to those who send this verses to encourage me! I really appreciate it a lot!
Posted by
6/08/2008 08:14:00 PM
Prayer does work!
Sumone once sed to me this words:
“Prayer is a free outgoing call to heaven , No battery power, No charging , No network problem , no simcard. Always good signal & endless talktime”
its true..last time if u sed this words to me n tell me tat prayer works, I wud have scoff at you becos to me, prayer don’t always work. But its not tat it doesn’t work, but at times actually we r the wan who jus cant accept the answer “wait”.
But lately, as I was seeking sum things desperately n I was at the end of my rope, I decided to try d last option tat is praying. I told God, well, if prayer works, prove it to me. Truly, I thank God for answering my simple prayer n proves to me really tat prayer is indeed powerful. Once, there is a pastor who sed tat the real congregation of a church is d ppl who attend a prayer meeting continuously. Not tat I mean not goin to prayer meet means tat u r nt a church member, becos I myself don’t really attend too. But is jus d point tat prayer really does work.
Here is sum proofs tat prayer does work in my life though at times its not the way I wanted it to turn out but I do knw He knws wat is best for me:
~ God granted me a desire of my heart although it was so long time ago n I gave up praying abt it. Infact, I even forgotten abt it but yet He gave it to me when I least expected it. God loves to work in surprises. =)
~ He has faithfully c me thru all my final exams for 3 semesters now n I believe tat He will continue to c me thru my remaining semesters. The miracle is tat I don’t keep my prayer life in check but yet He answers my prayers although I onli seek Him wen exams r really near. =P..yet He is still faithful!
~ There is one time wen I had to rush to send my frens off at d airport in sem 4 n since our public transports in KL is so “reliable”, I had to get to d airport latest by 9.45 am n I onli got into d bus from KL sentral at 9 am. It seems impossible to get there in time but along d way, I jus prayed n believe. I told God tat nothing is impossible for Him n ask Him to supernaturally help me to arrive at d airport latest by 9.45am. He not onli get me there in time, at 9.45 am sharp, d bus came to a stop right in front of d airport door! How amazing is tat! The best part is, I didn’t even make a proper prayer but jus sed tat “God, pls help me to get there latest by 9.45. I knw all things r possible wif You. Thank You Father”
This are jus a few incidents tat prove to me no matter where I am, God always heard d faintest cry of my heart. He is faithful to meet d needs of His children. Im still continue to believe tat He will answer a prayer. Indeed He has brought me to a higher lever of faith in Him! Thanks Dad! Thanks for those who had prayed for my life & God have answered their prayer! C, another proof! =)
Posted by
6/08/2008 08:10:00 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Awesome church!
i have once type this post out but in d end didnt post it out...so i shall do it now...this post is dedicated to one of d best church i have ever been.....i have been introduced to this church by a wonderful sister of mine, Audrey Tan!..thanks a bunch, drey!
well, i aso do believed tat its nt by coincident tat i came to this church precisely on tat moment...previously, during my 1 & 2 sem, i was attending a church in sg buluh ( i shall nt mention names here=))...but i find tat i cant really grow in tat church due to sum reasons...but i stick on till my 2nd sem..then middle of my 3rd sem, i decided to stop goin to this church n decided to take a break before i find another suitable church n prayed to God for a better church ( as my place very ulu wan, there r nt much english churches there)...how many knw tat there is no such thing as taking a break from church?...well, i have learned tat lesson well..
so nwey, we shall nt got to there yet...so wat happened was Audrey's siblings came down n i spend a weekend wif them at her place..tats where i gt introduced to Harvest Generation Church, Subang Jaya
and to tell u the truth, the very first time i step in, i feel so welcome n at ease...its jus amazing...the church service is great n the message tat is preached is really good...not to mention d church leaders which really encourage u wif their enthusiasm in serving Him..serious, im so amazed becos some of d leaders r even younger than me n yet they can do alot for Him! how awesome is tat?!...so i knew at tat point tat this is d church tat im looking for...n to tell u d truth, i have nt once regretted it although its really a distant from my place, but it is worth it!
so here r some of d pics tat i have taken during my time there:-
this is d church tat im talking abt!this pic is taken during my very first
service there..its a BBQ nite
this is some of the church leaders tat is responsible in d birth of this
church: (l-r): calvin, audrey,daphne,Ps Ryan, ern suey, brenda &
this is Ps Ryan( the pastor of the church) & his fiancee,
Brenda..they r getting married in this August 30th!
this is one of my fav pic: anointing of the leaders!
a lil side track: two beautiful drum sets in d church!i like it!
this is calvin tay in action..leading the congregration in a wonderful
worship service!
this r some of d great gals tat i have privillage to knw as a fren!
(l-r):caroline, daphne, brenda & sharlyn
ern suey in action, giving her praises to the One above! it really
blessed my heart to c this!
this is lil Ryan Cheah, Chris Cheah's son...so cute!this pic is taken
during our very first church camp in Peaceheaven, Genting!
this is baby Kate-lynn, chris's daughter with Sharlyn
this is lil shaun foo, Ps Ryan's nephew...
this is cheryl tan, Audrey's lil sis...beautiful right she?
this pic is another of my favourite: this is 3 of my great sisters who play
a part in who i am today!thanks a bunch guys!luv u all! (l-r): ern suey,
ai jun & audrey
this is daphne & caroline: two wonderful sisters in christ!love u
another random pic: caroline & ai jun with andrew (audrey's lil
bro) in d background
overall, i nvr regret of being a part of this church n i thank God for blessing me wif such a wonderful loving church!im sure goin to miss this church once i completed my studies...=(
Posted by
5/08/2008 09:13:00 AM
lil things..
sumtimes life can get really busy n we tend to forget to Thank God for the lil things tat happen in life...we aso tend to take for granted those things n we only start to miss them wen they r gone..that is human nature...u learn to appreciate things only wen they r no longer there...
so i wan to take this opportunity to thank God for the lil things i take for granted all this while...
~ lil blessing from my frens when i really least expected..jus d care n love that is shown where at times i really frustrated them...yet they still loves me!=)
~ my bufday treats n celebrations tat i have..its a memorable wan...
~ God has taken care of me although at times i x feel it at all..d numbers of times of close accidents...=)
~ God have place me in a wonderful church back in my hometown for me to grow n He has aso granted me a most happening church in subang too!
~He has blessed me with wonderful frens who really shows tat there is one in a million frens (in my case) in this dark world...
~He has taught me hw to love n trust in my frens again n learn to allow myself to be taken care of...in another word, broken down my "very high" pride...
~He has seen me thru many of my trials wen i really felt i cant go on..He taught me to lean on Him instead of myself...again, d pride issues...=)
~He has blessed me with a wonderful fam in Harvest Gen who drove all d way jus to pick me up for church n aso for jus being there....
~ He has given me wat i have prayed for so long until i forgotten abt it...
~He has provided all my needs (big o small) thru my growing years...He has proven time & again tat He is faithful & He cares...
~He blessed me with really great frens tat i have grown close too tat they r like sisters to me....
~ He nvr ever gave up on me..nt once although i have given up on Him more than once...
~He has loved me with His everlasting love although its kinda hard for me to grasp tat fact....
~He send His only son, Jesus jus to die for me & the fallen world...
i can go on n on on how much He has blessed me...but i cant remember all of tat as it is so much!..but this i knw, He does love me despite for my failures & my imperfections....for tat:
Thank You Lord! Thank You for every blessing i gt from u although at times i knw i x deserve it at all...
Posted by
5/08/2008 08:49:00 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Harvest Generation Very 1st church camp '08
church camps...dont u jus love this word?..camps r great n it does get better when it is a church camp! and to top it up, its Harvest Generation 1st church camp n i was a part of it!!=)
it been really long since i last wen to a church camp...but thank God i did have a opportunity to go for one recently n i nvr regretted my decision to go..indeed God has planned everything out when u least expected...
well, the camp im talking abt is together wif my church back in subang, Harvest Generation Church...last weekend (2-4 may), they had their first church camp at Peacehaven, Genting..,i have been to tat place for 2 times wif my hometown church but its not the place tat matters but it is d very purpose of d camp...
i have cum to this camp nt expecting much as i had a rough week before the camp...so the feeling of enjoying the camp flew out of d window but nvrtheless i choose to go as i have alreadi sign up n i really needed a break...i guess is really God' s will for me to be there....so as tired as i feel, i still went for the camp...
how timely it is for the message tat is preached is sumting tat i really needed at tat time...Ps Ryan preached about the potential tat God has place in us n the theme of the camp is Building Characters, Impacting Lifes
this msg is so timely as i really felt so dry n numb. n all those mix feeling tat u cant really grasp n explained...after the night session we had on sat, i wen back to d dorm n really cried out to God..i nvr cried tat hard to Him as far as i can remember...at the same time,i nvr expected Him to answer me but i jus needed to let it out on how i feel..n God is so amazing...He does work in many ways to show tat He does listen to our faintest cry...time n again He has proved His faithfulness n His unfailing love although so many times i doubted it...
after the morning session d next day (sun), we had prayers as a cell group n we jus continue to seek God in His presence...suddenly, one of my cell member approached me n sed tat he had a word from the Lord for me...n wat he sed to me was jus amazing...it was d very exact word tat i needed to hear n God has told me what i needed to hear...i was amazed...isnt God jus wonderful?...when u really feel unloved, He alwiz show He cares....He shows tat He is walking beside me thru this journey although many times i dont feel Him ard me...but He is there...alwiz...
its jus so amazing...i did enjoy this camp n this camp has renewed me in Him..this camp has really gave me a new meaning...i really glad tat God has planned for me to cum for this camp as He has a plan n purpose for me...n He will bring me thru this journey...im actually looking forward to c what He has for me!..what a surprise!even to me...=)
so, yeah, tat is hw my camp went abt...will post sum pics once i gt them...till then!
Posted by
5/05/2008 10:52:00 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Thank U's...
this is a long overdue thank u note tat i shud have written long time ago...its a post to thank wonderful ppl who God blessed me wif during my mum's sickness..all this happen abt 6 months ago...if u had read my blog, u wud have read a long written post abt mum's sickness & this is a continuation from it..=)
first of all,i better start my thank you note or else i wudnt finish it...i shall keep it short & sweet..*i hope*
*God, my wonderful Father In Heaven * - thanks for sending wonderful frens to help along the way..thanks for d strength to go thru it all..thanks for blessing me wif wonderful results too!thanks for looking into d smallest details as well as d major detail!..thanks for seeing mum thru d operation as well as all d details!love u so much DAD!
*Audrey Tan * - thanks for driving up & down all d way from KL & malacca. i knw its really tiring for u n yet u didnt complain at all & insisted summore..*paiseh*..u even make sure i had my proper meals...u even paid all d tol n yet refuses my insistence of paying u back...u r indeed one in a million fren & sister! i love u so much!
*Anna Teoh & Tan Sue Ern* - thanks for being such a wonderful blessing & a ever loving childhood frens of mine...u bothnvr fail to encourage me during those times..thanks for beliving in me & be my pillar of strenght wen i felt like giving up!ur emails & smses nvr fail to encourage me =)..thank God for ur life!thanks for being such a wonderful sisters in christ to me!u both r a great blessing & an angel send by GOD!
* Cheryl Tan* - thank u dear sis for ur concern for my fam although u r so far away in china..at times i jus wish u r right here back in mlc but yet u even u r in china, u still keeping in touch wif me..asking me hws things...im entirely grateful for tat..
*Tan Family (Audrey's fam)* - thanks so much for being such a great blessing to me from the start...im entirely grateful for every help, love & support tat is given to me..ur prayers & word of encouragement alwiz lift me up!..thank u so much!
* Cathy & Eunice* - thank God for ur life...u have indeed been a great blessing to me...in small & big ways...u alwiz so lighted up wen u c me wen im back in mlc n tat makes me feel great!keep shinning for HIM!Love U both!
* Carene*- my dear wonderful sister...though u r so far away in Australia, but yet, u still keep in touch wif me & still wanting to knw hw is things goin on wif me..i thank God for bringing u into my life as u have been a wonderful angel!
* CLA church members* - thanks for ur constant prayer & supports beside offering ur hand to help in many ways!ur help is greatly appreciated!
* Harvest Generation church members * - thanks for d constant concern, prayer & support though i jus onli join this wonderful church!indeed u guys have been a great blessing!Thank U!
* Rachel, Mary & Daryl* - thanks for standing by me all d way..u guys r d best & i love u all!muaks! ..u guys r the best skool frens tat i cud ever wish for!
* my wondeful relatives*- thanks for helping out in small & big ways...ur supports & care is much appreciated!
* CLA Young Adults Cell* - thanks for supporting me in prayer & coming to my aid once u guys heard this news...im entirely grateful to be a part of this great cell!
As for those i have missed out, pls forgive me...pls dont take it personally..i really do appreciate each & every1 of u tat came n help out..may God bless u as u have been a great blessing to me & my fam!
Posted by
4/03/2008 09:40:00 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
What Do U Tink?
Jus a few months ago, i got a questionair from a fren which i find kind of interesting..so i decided to post it to sum of my other frens to c wat r their replies..wen i gt it, i was surprised at some of d replies..but nwey, i leave it to u guys to read & c weather u agree o nt...so here is their replies:-
anna the childhood fren:
okie here it is... my reply.. hehe...kinda sleepy so i reply kinda fast one ya.. bear in mind its just my personal opinion, i may not know u well enough to write the answer that is correct about u... ehehhe
God bless!! =)
1. Quiet Loud?
erm.. Quiet is not the opposite of Loud lah.
you're not quiet, and not loud either. depends on situation lah.
2. Short Tall?
short!! hahaha same as me =P
3. Weird Original:
=> just yourself
4. Nice Mean:
=> mostly nice to everyone & animals also =) *woof woof*
5. Friendly Selfish:
=> friendly (btw, friendly & selfish are not opposite words also!!)
6. Normal 'Special':
normal, which is a good thing!
but special in God's sight.
7. Smart Stupid:
=> smart
8. Boring Fun:
=> not too extreme
9. Attractive Unattractive:
=> attractive & easily approachable DO YOU THINK I'M...
1. A psycho?:
=> no la.. but if you need to see psychologist can consult me hehehhe
2. A nerd?:
=> no
3. Ghetto?:
=> no

5. Obnoxious?:
=> no

=> haha drug addict doctor? no way! ( Editor note: Im nt a doctor but a pharmacy asst)
7. Mature?:
=> quite, and courageous.
=> maybe, i dunno. dont see u often enough to be able to judge.
=> no, at least i think so

1. What do u think I'll be when I grow up?:
=> strong woman in God (i like this answer - me again, the editor)
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?: => ask God
3. When is my birthday?:
=> soon ;) i know, you know, we know. (note: it was in d month of january, incase sum of u r wondering)
4. What was your first impression of me?:
=> cant remember
=> none
=> no
7. If u could rename me...what would my name be?:
=> adrienne
8. Have u ever had a dream about me?: => don think so
what was it? => tell u already no bad dream loh...
=> more doggies!! and cats too!
=> all the promises u ever need, God has already made to you ;P
11. If you could have anything that I have what would it be?:
=> your boldness in talking to new people?
Cathy the junior =)
1. Quiet Loud?
=> loud!!
2. Short Tall?
=> hehe short...
3. Weird Original:
=> original @.@
4. Nice Mean:
=> nice :)
5. Friendly Selfish:
=> friendly
6. Normal 'Special':
7. Smart Stupid:
=> i think your really smart
8. Boring Fun:
9. Attractive Unattractive:
=> attractive

1. A psycho?:
2. A nerd?:
=>hahaha far from tht
3. Ghetto?:
=>wats ghetto?? (neither do i knw d meaning)
4. Two-faced?:
=> definetly not
5. Obnoxious?:
=>ahahhahaha NO
=>the last thing you would ever be
no again
7. Mature?:
=> yes
8. Moody?:=>sometimes...
9. Alcoholic?=> BAHAHAHHAHAA.
1. What do u think I'll be when I grow up?:
=> a doctor? (wow, high ambition & expectation)
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?: => hmm tht i hav no idea
3. When is my birthday?:
=> january
4. What was your first impression of me?:
=>fun and bubbly
5. What song (if any) reminds u of me?:
=>no song sorry
6. Do I remind u of any characters on TV?:
=>err.... no
7. If u could rename me...what would my name be?:
=>errr.....sorry i hav no idea
8. Have u ever had a dream about me?: =>no dreams
what was it? =>
=>my friendship! which i already hav
10. If u could promise me anything..what would it be?:=>hmm anything u want!
11. If you could have anything that I have what would it be?:
=>i already hav u as my fren! thts all iwant frm u!
PERSONAL(OPPOSITE SEX).. (but u can fill it anyway :P)
1. If we spent a day together.where would we go and what would we do?:
=>we would go to the....movies!
2. If u could describe me in one word...what would that word be? :
=> lovable, funny, makes me happy. sorry you are impossible o describe in one word. cause u are more than tht!!
3. (a)Do u think u would have a chance with me? :
=>...no cuz ur no gay.... hahahahha
4.If you could change anything about me what would it be? :
=>im good wit the way u are..
this is jus a snip on sum of the answers (or d onli answers i gt from lots of emails i send)...nwey, do let me knw wat u tink..weather u agreed on d answers given o u disagreed on it..open comment is accepted..
Posted by
3/28/2008 08:37:00 PM